Pray for our students, pray for the community, pray for our volunteers, and pray for us. Sign-up for our newsletter for up to date prayer needs.
The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results. James 5:16b
- AKINA KIDS CLUB: Investing in kids through a fun evening beginning with dinner, an engaging Biblical message, transformational small groups and concluding with an activity.
- MINOGI (He/She grows well): A next step for students who are ready to go deeper. We begin the night with one-on-one mentoring by reading together, then have dinner, and conclude with foundational Bible teaching.
- CHURCH PARTNERS: Critical to the long-term maturity in Jesus is involvement in the local church. It is our goal that every student and their family would find their community in the local church.
- DINNER: Bring your small group to provide and serve dinner at one of our Kids Club or Minogi nights
- CAMP: a retreat from the inner city to have time to encounter God.
- AKINA’S ART ADVENTURE or VBS: Bring your group to serve in the community with a week of Bible lessons, art, and activities that point to Jesus.

Visit our Giving Page to find out how to partner with us financially.